crypto license


ПродуктыЛенты новостейПродукты 1С:ПредприятиеЛенты новостей1:С БухгалтерияЛенты новостей1С:Бухгалтерия 8 ПРОФНовостиcrypto licenseКомментарийОсновные параметрыcrypto licenseСвойства комментарияThe establishment of a company in Bulgaria is one of the ways that foreign citizens can be considered as an opportunity to obtain a residence permit in this country. Thanks to its membership in the European Union, Bulgaria offers attractive business conditions, including low tax rates and access to the European single Market. In this article, we will look at how the process of establishing a company in Bulgaria can be related to obtaining a residence permit, highlighting the key requirements, procedures and possible benefits. “On Virtual Assets” (On Service Providers): A cryptocurrency exchange license is mandatory for those offering virtual asset storage services or operating a crypto trading platform. Legal services in Lithuania Providing new and innovative payment services is enabled by PSD2, which gives authorized third-party providers (TPPs) access to customer account information with their consent. Preparation of notifications, forms and supporting documents for submission to National Bank of Georgia Possession of initial capital (50,000–150,000 EUR depending on the class of the licence) Certified copy of the trade authorisation Assistance on preparation of highly qualified IT proof Step 3: Preparing and submitting documentation Agricultural industry;Fri, 30 Aug 2024 08:12:23 +0300Аноним (